Saturday, June 15, 2013

Celebrating 12 Years of Monthly Chapter Installments... without missing any deadlines!

June's chapter just went up for Terry's Journey-- -- there won't be a chapter in July, as I'm taking a one month vacation, but don't worry, Terry and Maddie will be back in August!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Chapter 42 of Terry's Journey

May's chapter just went online:

Reminder from Judith

Starting in 2013, my deadline will include a one month writing vacation in July, i.e., there won't be a chapter for July. Don't worry, the chapters will resume in August. As my reader, I just wanted to remind you of this before it happens. See you in June!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Chapter 41 of Terry's Journey

Please pray for Boston

My heartfelt prayers are with the city of Boston tonight, most especially to the victims and their families. I can't even begin to imagine what they're going through. Please pray for them.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chapter 38 of Terry's Journey

I just posted the next chapter of Terry's Journey:

Starting in 2013, my deadline will include a one month writing vacation in July, i.e., there won't be a chapter for July. Don't worry, the chapters will resume in August. I just wanted to let everyone know of this small change to my deadline schedule before it happens.